In one of my journey, I observed the demarcation drawn between the first and second class coaches. First class within itself has variety of people, from security guards of Jewellery shop , government banker, student and mnc employee, all adjust dressed well, playing with there apple iPhone, blackberry, tablets blah blah. Second class, is coach for mass, most of them look crushed like stuffed achar, adjusted to every free space. Women, children's,men, boys, second class is always crowded. They look at each-other and still not care about.
As train halts, moves, people come in and go, it is just a viscous
cycle. Late evenings as rush subsides, when both the compartments look
relatively empty, people sitting both the sides, look at each other. Some amount
of superiority, some amount of denial. A second class passenger thinking, what
is so great about first-class, its just a thick cushioned seats and its less
crowded. They don’t really feel guilt about it and as a matter of fact
passengers in first-class don’t care but when a shabby looking passenger boards first class, they will surely ask do you have first class pass? many times they board by mistake. Mumbai is only about you, your life, your
thought, your career! Rest all becomes secondary. Mumbai teaches you to stand on
your own feet because it doesn't let you think anything else, and you have no time. It is the worlds
biggest reality show where nothing is scripted.
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