In recent times, the term “RAPE” is widely been discussed at
many forums and many outrage have taken place with some horrific cases been
reported but sadly nothing seems to move and to add fuel to the fire with
recent gang rape in India’s maximum city, it has become a furore.
Rape is not confined to any country, nation or geography.
Delhi is unsafe or Mumbai is safe these are nothing but just a myth of
ignorance, problem is deep within our mindset and values which has been a part
of our social establishment for many years. Sex is a topic that we do not talk
about. When a kid desires to know about “Where did I come from” or “How did I
come”, towards puberty when questions arise with regards to sexual urge,
attraction, excitement, masturbation and many such things our society opts not
to talk about it. The ignorance of keeping it a restricted topic leads to many
acts that take place in various situations where kids get sexually abused by
their relatives or even strangers which never gets reported and is never spoken;
it remains within the person as a trauma for rest of her/his life.
Kids do not realize how they are getting assaulted.
Penetration is one of way to abuse but what about forcible act of rubbing or
touching and many of our kids are victimized on these grounds? These issues are
never reported and spoken just because parents have made it sound it is a
forbidden word or topic to talk about and hence children do not come out to
report it. Children’s are our future; do we educate them in a right manner? Keeping our ignorance and denial aside about “nothing
will happen to my child” and until this is fixed our society will never be safe
for our children’s.
Now we come to the hot topic about our government, laws and institution.
One thing for sure is, entire sub continent functions in a very “Chalte hai”
attitude. Rape is just seen as a forbidden crime. 95% such cases do not get
reported due to social stature or fear of getting bullied from the force that
are politically and financially sound. There have been hundreds of cases which
were highlighted by the media, enough were reported yet, many convicts bailed
through. Shame!
Today Law itself has become a privileged service, people are
scared of approaching to police and reporting because after its reported victim
and the family gets emotionally raped, then why to even report and invite a
situation, this is where a million dollar question lands? And unfortunately our
judiciary takes ages to go through a case and provide justice to humanity and
by the time a verdict is taken the damage is unimaginable.
As I write I don’t know, where should the correction start
from? , I doubt if this will ever be corrected. Problem starts from home,
family, relatives, society, law, government and the entire establishment and we
have no idea where this problem will end. It has eaten us up so badly that we
are swallowed inside a dirty nasty stomach.